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文章來源: 更新時間:2017-10-13
It will lose 1 meter‘s lift when you add a 90 ° elbow or three-way pipe in the pipeline.
It will lose 1 meter’s lift when the pipeline exceeds 20 meters.
If there is a reducing bend or a three-way in the pipeline. In order to reduce the energy loss, make the reducing bend or the three-way as far away from the pump, close to the nozzle for the best.
4.吉林吉特建議:單級泵能滿足要求時,盡量不選擇多級泵.因為: ①多級泵對介質清潔度要求高,容易堵塞. ②多級泵流道變長,對介質熱輸入高,冷卻效果受影響.③多級泵有機械密封,不耐干轉和污物,屬于易損件。
JL-JET suggestions: Try not to choose the multi-stages pump if the single-stage pump can meet the requirements. Because the multi-stages pump: Ⅰ.It is easily blocked by impurity. Ⅱ. The heat input is high. Ⅲ. The mechanical seal is the wearing part. It is not adapt dry running.
5.如果選用多級泵,同軸泵要優先于斷軸泵. 因為電機水泵同軸結構,避免了聯軸器產生故障的可能.另外,同軸泵的液上部分尺寸占用空間小. 但是液下尺寸要求較長時,斷軸泵要優于同軸結構。
The coaxial pump takes precedence over the separate shaft pump. Because the coaxial structure, avoiding the coupling failure. In addition, the coaxial pump’s motor part takes smaller occupation than separate structure. But when there is long under water size requirement, the separate structure is better than the coaxial pump.
If you chose JL-JET’s model such as PJT-XXA,LXB-XXA and DJB-XXA, please add a cut-off valve at the inlet part of pipeline.
For high viscosity media, JL-JET advice you to choose a higher level power model.
If a machine uses two pumps, electrical control system must be designed individually. This is to avoid one pump working another idling.
9.吉林吉特產品為220V/380V 50Hz三相雙電壓,默認電機出廠接線為Y接380V, 如有特殊要求,請提前說明 Our default connection model is "Y"380V and 50Hz, if there are special requirements, please notify JL-JET.
10.吉林吉特產品標準配用的電機的防護等級為IP44. 如有特殊要求,請提前說明。
JL-JET’s default protection level is IP44. if there are special requirements, please notify JL-JET.
JL-JET can accept orders of special frequency and voltage
12.為了保護環境,節能減排,同時節約采購成本. 吉林吉特建議您, 請盡量選擇低功率電機。
For the purpose of environment protection, JL-JET suggests you to choose low power motors.
13.常用揚程單位換算 (吉林吉特設計依據的揚程單位為"米")。
Common units transfer of lift. JL-JET’s basic unit is "H".
14.常用流量單位換算 (吉林吉特設計依據的流量單位為"升/分")。
Common units transfer of flow. JL-JET’s basic unit is "L/min"
All rights reserved by JL-JET.
It will lose 1 meter‘s lift when you add a 90 ° elbow or three-way pipe in the pipeline.
It will lose 1 meter’s lift when the pipeline exceeds 20 meters.
If there is a reducing bend or a three-way in the pipeline. In order to reduce the energy loss, make the reducing bend or the three-way as far away from the pump, close to the nozzle for the best.
4.吉林吉特建議:單級泵能滿足要求時,盡量不選擇多級泵.因為: ①多級泵對介質清潔度要求高,容易堵塞. ②多級泵流道變長,對介質熱輸入高,冷卻效果受影響.③多級泵有機械密封,不耐干轉和污物,屬于易損件。
JL-JET suggestions: Try not to choose the multi-stages pump if the single-stage pump can meet the requirements. Because the multi-stages pump: Ⅰ.It is easily blocked by impurity. Ⅱ. The heat input is high. Ⅲ. The mechanical seal is the wearing part. It is not adapt dry running.
5.如果選用多級泵,同軸泵要優先于斷軸泵. 因為電機水泵同軸結構,避免了聯軸器產生故障的可能.另外,同軸泵的液上部分尺寸占用空間小. 但是液下尺寸要求較長時,斷軸泵要優于同軸結構。
The coaxial pump takes precedence over the separate shaft pump. Because the coaxial structure, avoiding the coupling failure. In addition, the coaxial pump’s motor part takes smaller occupation than separate structure. But when there is long under water size requirement, the separate structure is better than the coaxial pump.
If you chose JL-JET’s model such as PJT-XXA,LXB-XXA and DJB-XXA, please add a cut-off valve at the inlet part of pipeline.
For high viscosity media, JL-JET advice you to choose a higher level power model.
If a machine uses two pumps, electrical control system must be designed individually. This is to avoid one pump working another idling.
9.吉林吉特產品為220V/380V 50Hz三相雙電壓,默認電機出廠接線為Y接380V, 如有特殊要求,請提前說明 Our default connection model is "Y"380V and 50Hz, if there are special requirements, please notify JL-JET.
10.吉林吉特產品標準配用的電機的防護等級為IP44. 如有特殊要求,請提前說明。
JL-JET’s default protection level is IP44. if there are special requirements, please notify JL-JET.
JL-JET can accept orders of special frequency and voltage
12.為了保護環境,節能減排,同時節約采購成本. 吉林吉特建議您, 請盡量選擇低功率電機。
For the purpose of environment protection, JL-JET suggests you to choose low power motors.
13.常用揚程單位換算 (吉林吉特設計依據的揚程單位為"米")。
Common units transfer of lift. JL-JET’s basic unit is "H".
單位Unit | 米 (H) | 兆帕 (MPa) | 千克 (KG)/CM2 | 巴 (bar) |
1 米 | 1 | 0.01 | 0.1 | 0.1 |
1 兆帕 | 100 | 1 | 10 | 10 |
1千克/CM2 | 10 | 0.1 | 1 | 1 |
1 巴 | 10 | 0.1 | 1 | 1 |
14.常用流量單位換算 (吉林吉特設計依據的流量單位為"升/分")。
Common units transfer of flow. JL-JET’s basic unit is "L/min"
單位Unit |
升/分 (L/min) |
噸/時 (m3/h) |
英尺3/時 (ft3/h) |
英國加侖/分 (Ukgal/min) |
美國加侖/分 (Usgal/min) |
美國桶/日 (bbl/d) |
1升/分 | 1 | 0.06 | 2.1189 | 0.21997 | 0.264188 | 9.057 |
1立方米(噸)/時 | 16.667 | 1 | 35.314 | 3.667 | 4.403 | 151 |
1立方英尺/時 | 0.4719 | 0.028317 | 1 | 0.1038 | 0.1247 | 4.2746 |
1英國加侖/分 | 4.546 | 0.02727 | 9.6325 | 1 | 1.20032 | 41.1 |
1美國加侖/分 | 3.785 | 0.2273 | 8.0208 | 0.8326 | 1 | 34.28 |
1美國桶/日 | 0.1104 | 0.00624 | 0.23394 | 0.02428 | 0.02917 | 1 |
All rights reserved by JL-JET.